International Jain Revolution Forum

Welcome to the heart of change, the nexus of innovation, and the epicenter of a global movement – the International Jain Revolution Forum. Here, we transcend boundaries to foster unity, ignite discussions, and propel a revolution rooted in Jain principles.

Become A Volunteer

Empower and Enrich: Join Our Journey as a Dedicated Volunteer

Thank you for expressing your interest in becoming a volunteer at the International Jain Revolution Forum. Your decision to contribute to our global movement is a powerful step towards positive change rooted in Jain principles. Volunteering with us is not just an opportunity; it’s a commitment to making a meaningful impact on a global scale.


Our Vision

At the International Jain Revolution Forum, our vision is clear: to be a catalyst for positive change on a global scale. We envision a world where Jain values guide transformative actions, creating a harmonious and sustainable future for all. Our platform is a digital agora, a space where ideas flourish, and collaborations spark revolutions.

Who We Are

We are a dynamic community of individuals, thinkers, activists, and visionaries who share a common goal – to revolutionize the world through the principles of Jainism. Our diverse team spans continents, each member bringing a unique perspective and expertise to the table. United by a commitment to non-violence, truth, compassion, and the pursuit of a better world, we are the driving force behind the International Jain Revolution Forum.

What We Stand For

Jain Principles as Pillars of Change

Our foundation rests on the timeless principles of Jainism – principles that have withstood the test of centuries. Non-violence (ahimsa), truth (satya), non-stealing (asteya), celibacy (brahmacharya), non-possessiveness (aparigraha), asceticism (tapasya), compassion (karuna), and righteous conduct (dharma) are the guiding lights of our endeavors. Through these principles, we seek to inspire meaningful actions and sustainable solutions.

Global Collaboration and Dialogue

We believe that transformative change requires collaboration and open dialogue. The International Jain Revolution Forum is a hub for global conversations, where individuals, communities, and organizations come together to share ideas, experiences, and innovations. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and understanding, we aim to break down barriers and build bridges that span the world.

Sustainable Practices and Environmental Consciousness

Central to our mission is the integration of Jain principles with contemporary issues, particularly those concerning the environment. We advocate for sustainable practices, mindful consumption, and environmental conservation. By aligning ourselves with the eco-friendly aspects of Jainism, we contribute to a healthier planet and a more ethical existence.

Promotion of Jain Culture and Heritage

Preserving and promoting Jain culture and heritage is integral to our mission. Through various initiatives, we strive to celebrate the rich tapestry of Jain traditions, literature, art, and architecture. By sharing the cultural wealth of Jainism, we aim to create a global appreciation for its depth and diversity.

Our Initiatives

Educational Programs and Workshops

Knowledge is the key to transformation. We organize educational programs and workshops that delve into Jain principles, ethics, and their applications in contemporary life. These initiatives aim to empower individuals with the wisdom of Jainism, fostering personal growth and societal well-being.

Community Outreach and Service

Service to humanity is service to the divine. Through community outreach programs, we engage in activities that uplift and support those in need. Whether it’s providing educational resources, healthcare assistance, or aiding in disaster relief, our commitment to compassion extends beyond borders.

Global Campaigns for Positive Change

We initiate and support global campaigns that address pressing issues such as climate change, social justice, and ethical governance. By leveraging the power of our community and alliances, we aim to create a ripple effect of positive change that reverberates globally.

Get Involved

The International Jain Revolution Forum is not just a platform; it’s a movement fueled by the passion and commitment of individuals like you. Whether you’re a seasoned advocate for change or someone taking their first steps toward a more conscious lifestyle, there’s a place for you here. Join us in shaping a world where Jain principles lead the way.

Contact Us

We value your voice, your ideas, and your presence in this global revolution. Connect with us through our social media channels, attend our events, or drop us a message. Together, we can ignite the spark that sets a global revolution in motion.

Embrace the change. Be the change. Welcome to the International Jain Revolution Forum where the future is revolutionized through the timeless wisdom of Jain principles.